Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween Crafting

We LOVE Halloween. Decorating, baking, cooking, crafting..EVERYTHING! I am lucky enough to be in love with a carpenter.. so not only do I have thrifty tools to play with, but an excessive amount of scrap wood.

This year, our idea was to use Halloween patterns in a way we could use them once and enjoy them for years...

Here's what you will need if you want to give it a shot.

  1. Halloween Patterns
  2. Scrap Wood (We used MDF)
  3. Paint (black, orange, purple, green and white are what we chose)
  4. Scroll Saw
  5. EXTRA Scroll Saw Blades
  6. Patience... lot and lots of patience
Here are pictures of the three we have cut out so far. They aren't painted yet (I will post pictures when they are)

Pay no attention to the background, I took the pictures in my haunted basement.

These are a lot of fun to do and I'm excited to paint them. We're going to attach a backboard with a strobe or "creepy" light so they glow in the yard at night.

Check back in a few days for the finished pictures!

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